The group was formed on 11.11.82 by Jo Pargin. It was an offshoot of the Notts Guild. They met on a Saturday and some people couldn't make this, so the Ashfield Guild was set up to provide an evening meeting. There were 7 members at the first meet and now there are almost 30!
We meet on the 2nd Sunday and the 4th Sunday of the month 10am-2pm at the Annesley & Felley Parish Hall, off Byron Road in Annesley Village, NG15 0AH
The cost of meetings £4. Yearly membership is £12.50. Hot drinks and biscuits are available at meetings for 50p.
We love to get out and about with our wheels and other equipment so we are available to demonstrate at relevant events for a small charge. Email us for details.
See our constitution. New members' welcome pack. List of equipment for members to hire.
Secretary - Heather Treasurer - Sandra